Rock And Rain



The past perfect is a past in the past.It refers to an action that took place before another one in the past.The past perfect can help to make the first action seem separate, independant of the second or completed before the second action started.We use the past perfect for the first action and the simple past for the second action.

                          ex:      I had done my homework before I watched a movie.

                        had done                  watched


                           before the past                                             now

We also use the past perfect for an action which took place before a specific point in the past.

                             ex: She had woken up before six a.m

Form of the past perfect:

To have                     +                        past participle

in the past simple

(see the lesson about the present perfect for the  past participle form)

The verb to work (past perfect)



I / you / he / she / it / we / they

had woked

I / you / he / she / it / we / they

had not worked (hadn't worked)

Time    expressions    used   with  the past  perfect

before , after , by then , by the time , by + time , as soon as , until etc..........

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