Rock And Rain



Simple future:

There are several ways of talking about the future  in English.Often it is not a matter of one form being correct, but how the speaker sees the event.Three of the most useful future forms are:

1 - Will + infinitive : I will go abroad ( prediction based on our beliefs, intentions and expectations rather than present evidence.It is a spontaneous decision)

2 - be + going to : I am going to see a horror movie

                                           Look at those clouds. It's going to rain.

(prediction based on some evidence in the present.It also expresses planned decisions made before the time of speaking and  which may not be fixed)

2 - Present continuous:  I am meeting my friend this afternoon.

(plans for the future, when the time and place are fixed)

NB: The use of going to and the Present Continuous is very similar. You can use going to in stead of the present continuous in the future meaning.

The use of the Present Continuous is very limited.You only use it to talk about definite arrangements.

Notice that when the main verb with going to is go, it is commonly omitted.

eg: we're going (to go) to Italy for our holidays this year.



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