Rock And Rain




Zero conditional:(true / scientific facts)

We use the Zero Conditional to describe rules and situations that are always true, where one event always follows the other in these sentences.

The pattern:

If + Present simple Present Simple

EX : If you expose water to 100° C , it boils.


First Conditional : (future)

The first conditional is used to speak about something that will certainly happen (in the future) on the basis of the condition.

EX : If you keep your desk tidy, you will get better marks.

The pattern :

If  +   Present     Future simple

Second Conditional: (unreal / improbable)

The second conditional expresses an improbable or imaginary situation in the future and its consequence.

the pattern :

 If +  Simple past  Would + infinitive

EX: If I won the lottery, I would buy a new car.

      If  I were you, I would accept the offer.

Third Conditional: (Past)

The Third Conditional is used to talk about conditions in the past.

The pattern :

If + Past perfect  Would + have + past participle.

EX: If his parents had been well off, he would have gone to university.

      ( His parents were not well off and he didn't go to the university )


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Zero or the First Conditional.

  • If I .....................(feel) sad, I usually ............................ (phone) my friends.
  • Plants .................... (die) if they ....................... (not have) enough light.
  • If I ......................... (see) that film tomorrow, I ................... (tell) you what it's like.
  • I .................... (phone) you tonight if I ....................... (not go) out with Bill.
  • I always .................... (go) swommong on Friday afternoons if I ..........(have) time.
  • If I ............ (have) a party next month, I .................... (invite) all the students in my class.

Correct the mistakes in the Zero and First Conditional sentences. Rewrite the sentences correctly.

  • If you will have a computer at home, you can play this game.
  • .......................................................................................
  • I will ask Jim to dance if I will see him at the disco.
  • ......................................................................................
  • I always spend a lot of money if I will go shopping with my sister.
  • .....................................................................................
  • If will heat ice, it turns to water.
  • .....................................................................................
  • If the weather is good tomorrow, I go walking in the mountains.
  • ....................................................................................
  • If you will like watching sports on television, you should try the new sports channel.
  • ....................................................................................

First or Second Conditional?

  • I live in Scotland. If I .................. (live) in France, I .....................(learn) French.
  • If I ................(be) you, I ............................(not go) to the party. I really don't think it's a good idea.
  • I usually see John in the afternoon. I ......................(give) him your message if I .............(see) him later.
  • Don't worry.I ......................(help) you with your chemistry homework if you ............. (not understand) it. I'm good at chemistry.
  • I ................. (buy) a new computer if I ................. (have) enough money. Unfortunately I've only got £50!
  • I'm saving up at the moment. If I ...............(have) enough money at the end of the year, I.........................(buy) a CD player

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