Rock And Rain



Cardinal numbers:

     one                                                                        17    seventeen

     two                                                                         18    eighteen

3      three                                                                       19    nineteen

4     four                                                                          20    twenty

    five                                                                           21    twenty-one

     six                                                                           30    thirty

7     seven                                                                      32    thirty-two

    eight                                                                         40    forty

9     nine                                                                          43    forty-three

10   ten                                                                           50    fifty

11   eleven                                                                     60    sixty

12   twelve                                                                      70   seventy

13   thirteen                                                                    80   eighty

14   fourteen                                                                  90     ninety

15   fifteen                                                                     100      one hundred

16   sixteen                                                                   1,000   one thousand

we write one hundred but we usually say a hundred.

Ordinal numbers:

1st     first                                                                            17 th    seventeenth

2nd    second                                                                      18th    eighteenth

3rd     third                                                                          19th    nineteenth

4th     fourth                                                                        20th   twentieth

5th     fifth                                                                           21st    twenty-first

6th     sixth                                                                         22nd   twenty-second

7t    seventh                                                                   23rd    twenty-third

8th     eighth                                                                      24th     twenty-fourth

9th     ninth                                                                        25th     twenty-fifth

10th   tenth                                                                       26th     twenty-sixth

11th   eleventh                                                                 27th     twenty-seventh

12th   twelfth                                                                    28th     twenty-eighth

13th   thirteenth                                                               29th     twenty-ninth

14th   fourteenth                                                             30th     thirtieth

15th   fifteenth                                                                31st     thirty-first


  • To form ordinal numbers, we add th to the number. The exceptions are: one/first, two/second and three/third.                                                                                                   

             To form the ordinal number eighth we only add h, not th to eight. And to form the      

              ordinal number twelfth, we drop the ending ve from twelve and add fth: twelfth.

  • We can use ordinal numbers to talk about the order in which things happen, eg

              My second lesson on Monday is Geography.

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