Rock And Rain





write the correct form of verbs: gerund/ infinitive 




Secret of success




Martha Wilkins decided (become)…………………………a florist when she read an article about someone who supplied flowers to film stars. 


“ I remember(think)………………………..,”what an amazing job!” and when I started work at a florist’s, I found that I liked (work)………………………….with my hands. I really enjoyed it,” she explains. “the owner of the shop was very experienced and she taught me (arrange)………………………”. several years later, Wilkins set up her own shop, which is now very successful. “the key is to listen to the customers,” she says. “ I talk to every customer about what they want and then I try (give)………… it to them.”



1. what do you remember (learn) your last English lesson? 


2. have you ever forgotten (buy).......................a birthday card for someone in your family? 


3. have you ever tried (save) if so, were you successful?  


4. is there anything you have done in your life that you really regret (do).......................? 


5. what do yoy need (do)......................this week - what's on your list? 


6. when you are on a long car journey, how regularly do you like to stop(have).................a break? 


7. which do you think would be more difficult to do - to stop (eat)........................chocolate or to stop (smoke)..................cigarettes? why?  


8. what would you do if you saw some friends fighting and asked them to stop, but they went on (fight)...............................? 


9. I came (see)  


10. this is really good for (remove ).............................stains from your clothes. 


11. we had to run fast (catch).......................the train. 


12. this tool is for (make).......................holes in wood. 


13. the beach was very close, so we went (swim).............................every day. 


14. i forgot (ask) about your birthday. 


15. i'd like (be)...............a chef. 


16. i don't enjoy (clean)............................the kitchen. 


17. i don't feel like (cook)............................tonight. i'd prefer(eat)..........................out. 


18. i try (arrive)........................on time, but i'm often late for things. 


19. could you turn down your radio? i'm trying (work)......................... 


20. she saw a beautiful sun set, so she stopped (take)............................a picture of it.







First term general revision


1)  Write the correct form of verbs: gerund / infinitive


  • Nigel denied (bully)………………….a younger student.
  • I would like (try)………….canoeing while we’re here.
  • She’s busy (make) ……………..cakes for the party.
  • …………(see)the film six times, I consider it a masterpiece.
  • I remember (play)……………a whole song on my guitar for the first time.
  • I  saw them (steal)…………..the car.
  • ……………..(be) honest, I find stamp collecting a boring hobby.
  • What’s wrong with Jessica? I could hear her (cry) ………….. last night.
  • Paul was made (tidy)……………his room before going to meet his friends.
  • …………….. (have) too much stress is bad for your health.
  • I’m planning (go)…………………… (shop)…………………….tomorrow.
  • My cousin has decided (get)…………………married to a French nurse.
  • My neighbor offered (take)…………………me to the airport as the buses were on strike.
  • Remember (post) …………………………the letter on your way to work.
  • You seem (be)………………….in a good mood today.
  • I don’t mind (wait) ……………….. for you.
  • Go ahead and keep on (do) ……………….. your work.


2)  Modal verbs: complete with the right alternative.


  • Betty is sitting at her desk. She has a test tomorrow. She………………………….


a)    Must be studying      b) can’t be studying    c) will study    d) could study


  • You…………………gone to the bank. You had enough cash at home.


a)    Needn’d have       b) can’t have      c) might have   d)  couldn’t have.


  • You haven’t eaten anything since yesterday morning. You ……………… really hungry.


a)    Must          b) will             c) can            d) may.


  • Roger ……………….be starting university this year: he’s only sixteen.


a)    Can’t      b) must          c) can        d)    shall


  • When he was younger, he ………………….walk for hours without getting tired.


a)    Ought to    b) must         c) could          d) might.


  • I can hear shouting from the next room. The neighbours  must…………..


a)    Have argued      b) argue      c) be arguing        d) be argued.


  • Sara ……………………gone to the stadium. She hates football.


a)    Shouldn’t have      b) can’t have      c) mustn’t have   d) might have gone.


  • She ……………………….done her homework instead of doing yours.


a)must have         b) should have        c) can’t have      d) might have.


       3) use : the past simple /the past perfect simple /the past perfect continuous:


  • I (be)…………………………late for the exam yesterday. The teacher (already/hand out)………………………………………..the exam paper when I (get) ………………………………………to class.
  • She (never / see) …………………………any of Picasso’s paintings before she (visit)……………………………..the art gallery last week.
  • We (wait)……………………………….for  David for nearly two hours before he finally (arrive)………………………………yesterday.
  • We (find)………………………….our way around the city easily because Kate (take)………………………………a good look at a map before we left the hotel.
  • James (not come) ………………………………… Rome with us because he (be) …………………………………there many times before.
  • When Jason (get)…………………………….to the train station, he (realize) ………………………………………..he (forget)…………………………………………to take his ticket with him.
  • How long (stand/you)……………………………in the rain before Sue (pick) ………………………………………….you up from the bus stop.
  • Eleanor (lie) …………………………………………on the beach for hours, so she got a terrible sunburn.
  • We (sit) …………………………on the ferry for hours before it (leave)……………… the port.


4)  Write the verbs in the correct form: future simple/ future perfect/ future perfect continuous:


  • By May, she (study) ………………………French for two years.
  • I’m sure I (get)………………….the promotion.
  • The meeting (end) ………………….by 4:30.
  • By the time I finish this project, I (sit)……………………… this office for thirteen hours.
  • Do you know when they (announce)…………………………………who got the promotion.
  • By the time you get this letter, I (move)………………………… London .
  • She (finish) …………………………..her interview by three o’clock.
  • By the time he finishes, he (work)……………………………….for sixteen hours.

5)   Word formation:

  • The climate is (gradual)………………..becoming warmer and drier.
  • The weather forcaster said there’s a slight (possible) ……………………………… of snow tomorrow.
  • Failure to reach an (agree)……………………….would mean the end of the negotiations.


  • The environmental group deals with the (conserve) ………………………. Of dolphins.
  • You have been making regular (contribute) ………………………………to your local charity.
  • Matt sold all his (possess) ……………………….and migrated to Spain.
  • Internet information is not always (rely)…………………………….
  • Despite being blind, he has the (able) ………………… create beautiful sculpture


6)  Complete with the appropriate words:

Humorists  - satire – laughter – hilarious – witty –   serious – sense – cracks – funny - facetious


  • He’s very funny. Whenever I meet him, he …………………a joke. He really has a good ………………….of humor.
  • Charlie Chaplin was one of the most creative……………………………..
  • The show was …………………………….. It just caused a lot of …………………………in the audience.
  • Black humor is a way of looking at …………………….events in an amusing way.
  • A piece of writing or play which criticizes people or ideas in a humorous way is called …………………………..
  • Keep your …………………………….remark for yourself. You know. It’s not very funny.
  • The president’s ………………………speech attracted a lot of admiration.
  • He is very …………….. . he makes me laugh a lot.


7)  Write the correct form of the words in brackets:

  • Feminism is a (move) ……………………..which advocates women’s social, political, and educational (equal) ………………………with men. It has it’s roots in the (human) …………………………………of the 18th century and the industrial revolution. Feminism issues range from access to (employ) ……………………… , education, child care, contraception, and abortion, to equality in the workplace, redress for sexual (harass) …………………….in the workplace, and the need for equal political (represent) ………………………….


8)  Match to make collocations:



























Reading comprehesion :




The famous British sense of humour has long been our most  cherished characteristic. We have valued it above historic military victories and great works of literature, above  rich scenic landscape and our talent for invention.  


Comedians, not general or sports stars or scientists or politicians, are the truly loved public figures of Britain. We sneer at other countries, especially Germany, which we believe lack our gift of humour.  


«  He’s a good laugh, » is the warmest personal accolade any individual can receive from friends. Our ability to make jokes of anything is supposed to have seen us through wars and plights, saved us from revolution and political extremism.  


But, sadly, there are signs that the great British sense  of humour is no longer what it once was. The eagerness for laughs seems to be receding, increasingly replaced by political correctness and grievance.


According to a survey recently conducted by the tourist authority Visit Britain, foreigners coming here now feel that we are « arrogant , unfriendly and have almost no sense of humour.


In this pool conducted among 35 nationalities, some tourists rated us the least funny people in the world.


Accusing the British of having no sense of humour is like telling Rolls Royce that its cars are down market. Humour is meant to be our life blood. 


But I have to say that I agree with the foreign respondents for years, I have detected that something has gone badly wrong in Britain’s humour.


I see it in the tragic decline in Britain TV comedy. Once the finest in the world, it has become an embarrassment destroyed by political correctness and reduced to depending on shock values. I also see it in the hectic, humourless and often aggressive manner in which we now lead our lives, especially in the cities. There seems to be a growing reluctance to exchange a joke or a smile.


The contrast with France, where I have spent some time in recent months, could hardly be more glaring. There, the local newsagent, baker and grocer seem only too keen to make a quip and have a laugh, despite the poor quality of my French.


The real thorn in all this is the influence of political correctness. The ruthlessly enforced official dogma of multi-culturalism, with its emphasis on social divisions, means that we no longer have a sense of shared values in Britain. And without that collective norm, we cannot all laugh at the same things.


Just as importantly, growing ignorance among the public, especially young people due to the dumbing-down of education, has lessened the scope for humour.


World play, double entendres and puns used to be a feature of British comedy, but they can work only when the participants have a decent grasp of our language and culture.


Sir Peter Ustinov said laughter was « the most civilized music in the world ». today we are in real danger of losing that music – one of the most precious assets of British civilization. 








  1. Which of the following would be the best title for this artcle ?




  • The death of British humour.
  • British humour has long been cherished by the British.
  • British  humour is known all over the world
  • Laughter : the most civilized music in the world.




  1. Are these sentences true or false ? justify.




  • According to the writer, the British like humour actors and actresses much more than sports stars: ..............................................................................................................................
  • An opinion poll indicates that the British have become humorless: ........................................
  • The writer considers humour one of the strengths of British civilization:................................


      • Answer these questions




  • Which humour  does the writer compare the British humour with ?
  • …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  • What are the causes of the decline of the British humour, according to the writer ?
  • …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  • Why is the writer negative about multi-culturalism ?
  • …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………




  1. Complete these sentences : 


  • The writer thinks that the British people’s ability to…………………………………………………………
  • He is saddened at ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...




  1. What do the underlined words in the article refer to :


  • We :…………………………………..
  • It :…………………………………
  • Here :………………………………………





Read the following text:




“ I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society I which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.” Nelson Mandela


 Nelson Mandela is one of the world’s greatest heroes for his struggle to free the people of South Africa. He spent his whole life racial equality. He formed a political party called Umkhoto we Sizwe in 1961 after all forms of peaceful protests failed. He travelled abroad for his cause even though he knew of the danger he was posing to himself when he returned to South Africa. Not long after, he was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment. He was released in 1990 after being in jail for 28 years. Three years later, in 1993, he was awarded the Noble Peace Price for his efforts to abolish racial discrimination in South Africa. He is an inspiration to all the deprived and oppressed people in the world and has never tolerated any form of racism.


 In the beginning, the aim of “apartheid” was to keep the white people in South Africa in total control of the country as well as dividing the races. In the 1960’s, the Grand Apartheid plan was created to emphasize the separation of territories and police repression.


The apartheid laws were created in 1948. White people weren’t allowed to marry non-white people and there was a sanction of “white-only jobs”. By 1950, all South Africans were categorized into three categories: white, black or coloured. People who belonged to the coloured category were neither black nor white, may be from an Asian or Indian background.     


 It was obligatory for a black person to carry a passbook containing their fingerprints, photo and information whenever they wanted to enter South Africa , their own country!


March 21, 1960 marked a tragic day in the history of south Africa. A big group of blacks in the  township of Sharpeville were protesting peacefully by refusing to carry their passes and as  many as 69 people were shot by the police and 187 people were wounded. This incident was known by many people as the Sharpeville Massacre. Despite this tragedy, the white regime had no intention of changing the unjust laws of Apartheid. Later on, the United Nations General Assembly declared March 21 as the International day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Due to the problems of “apartheid” South Africa was expelled from the United Nations in 1974.


 Now the United Nations calls on all international communities to work together to fight against racial discrimination as well as commemorate this tragedy in hopes of a better future for the world.


I-  Comprehension    ( …………../15)


A-     Choose the best title for the text. (1)


a)      Nelson Mandela              b) apartheid in Africa        c) Racial discrimination in South Africa


B-     Answer the following questions in your own words:    (3)


1)      What is Mandela’s ideal?


2)      Why did he travel abroad?


3)      Why was it obligatory for a black person to carry a passbook?


C-     Find in the text words which mean the same as: (2)


1)      Loved                  (par 1)


2)      Freed from prison   (par 2)


3)      Officially end a law (par 3)


4)      Official order         ( par 4)


D-     What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (2)


1)      Which (par 1)


2)      Which (par 1)


3)      His (par 2)


4)      Their (par 5)


E-      Complete the sentences with reference to the text. (3)


1)      Although Mandela was imprisoned, he……………………………………….


2)      “apartheid” aimed at …………………………………………………………………


F-      Are these statements true or false? Justify. (4)


1)      Mandela didn’t like either white or black people.


2)      Mandela formed a political party because he failed in his political life.


3)      Mandela returned to South Africa despite the risk of being jailed.


4)      b lack people had to carry a passbook because they came from a foreign country.




Unit2 :                       





        Humor is a universal language
      • Our five senses are incomplete without the sixth - a sense of humor.
      • Total absence of humor renders life impossible.
      • Humor offers an alternative to violence - humor gives us a choice.
      • Humor tells you where the trouble is.
      • Good humor  isn't a trait of character, it is  an art which requires practice.
      • the kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes.


      Reading comprehesion :


      The famous British sense of humour has long been our most  cherished characteristic. We have valued it above historic military victories and great works of literature, above  rich scenic landscape and our talent for invention.  

      Comedians, not general or sports stars or scientists or politicians, are the truly loved public figures of Britain. We sneer at other countries, especially Germany, which we believe lack our gift of humour.  

      «  He’s a good laugh, » is the warmest personal accolade any individual can receive from friends. Our ability to make jokes of anything is supposed to have seen us through wars and plights, saved us from revolution and political extremism.  

      But, sadly, there are signs that the great British sense  of humour is no longer what it once was. The eagerness for laughs seems to be receding, increasingly replaced by political correctness and grievance.

      According to a survey recently conducted by the tourist authority VisitBritain, foreigners coming here now feel that we are « arrogant , unfrienly and have almost no sense of humour.

      In this pool conducted among 35 nationalities, some tourists rated us the least funny people in the world.

      Accusing the British of having no sense of humour is like telling Rolls Royce that its cars are down market. Humour is meant to be our life blood. 

      But I have to say that I agree with the foreign respondents for years, I have detected that something has gone badly wrong in Britain’s humour.

      I see it in the tragic decline in Britain TV comedy. Once the finest in the world, it has become an embarrassment destroyed by political correctness and reduced to depending on shock values. I also see it in the hectic, humourless and often aggressive manner in which we now lead our lives, especially in the cities. There seems to be a growing reluctance to exchange a joke or a smile.

      The contrast with France, where I have spent some time in recent months, could hardly be more glaring.there, the local newsagent, baker and grocer seem only too keen to make a quip and have a laugh, despite the poor quality of my French.

      The real thorn in all this is the influence of political correctness. The ruthlessly enforced official dogma of multi-culturalism, with its emphasis on social divisions, means that we no longer have a sense of shared values in Britain. And without that collective norm, we cannot all laugh at the same things.

      Just as imprtantly, growing ignorance among the public, especially young people due to the dumbing-down of education, has lessened the scope for humour.

      World play, double entendres and puns used to be a feature of British comedy, but they can work only when the participants have a decent grasp of our language and culture.

      Sir Peter Ustinov said laughter was « the most civilized music in the world ». today we are in real danger of losing that music – one of the most prcious assets of British civilization. 




      1. Which of the following would be the best title for this artcle ?


      • The death of British humour.
      • British humour has long been cherished by the British.
      • British  humour is known all over the world
      • Laughter : the most civilized music in the world.


      1. Are these sentences true or false ? justify.


      • According to the writer, the British like humour actors and actresses much more than sports stars: ..............................................................................................................................
      • An opinion poll indicates that the British have become humorless: ........................................
      • The writer considers humour one of the strengths of British civilization:................................
          • Answer these questions


      • Which humour  does the writer compare the British humour with ?
      • …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
      • What are the causes of the decline of the British humour, according to the writer ?
      • …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
      • Why is the writer negative about multi-culturalism ?
      • …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


      1. Complete these sentences : 
      • The writer thinks that the British people’s ability to…………………………………………………………
      • He is saddened at ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...


      1. What do the underlined words in the article refer to :
      • We :…………………………………..
      • It :…………………………………
      • Here :………………………………………




      Read this holiday advertisement. Use the verbs in brackets, in the correct form, to complete the information.


      Have you decided where to go on holiday this year? 

       We promise 0 (help)........... you decide. Do you enjoy 1 (cycle)...................... in the countryside and 2 (walk)   .............. in the mountains? If you fancy 3 (escape).  ................ from the crowds and 4 (do) .............something different, and you don’t mind 5 (share)............ your holiday with others, we offer 6 (show) the most fantastic places. If you can’t afford 7 (spend)................. a lot of money, don’t worry! We promise 8 (beat)............... any price offered by our competitors. We always aim 9 (give).............. our clients the best possible holiday experience. Contact us on 01632 960893 for more information about our fantastic range of holidays. And you just need 10 ...................(mention) this advertisement to get an extra discount .......








      • As citizens, you are the rulers and the ruled, the law givers and the law-abiding, the beginning and the end. (Adlai Stevensen)




      • Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote. (George Jean Nathan)




      • A passive and ignorant citizen will never create a sustainable world. ( Andrew Gaines)




      • Every citizen should be a soldier. (Thomas Jefferson)




      • No one is born a good citizen, no nation is born a democracy. Rather both are processes that evolve over a life time. ( kofi Annan)





      Phrasal verbs :


      Only one alternative is correct. Which is it?


                 Ø Nobody believed Paul at first but he be right.   


      1. A.    came out          B. Turned out         C. worked out       D. carried out 


      • Ø Here’s some good news. It will.................................


      1. A.    turn you up        B.  put you up        C.  blow you up     D. cheer you up


      • Ø I  was annoyed  with the way the children were behaving, so I ...................... .


      1. A.    Told them up      B. told them off     C. told them out    D. told them over


      • Ø The club committee is ........................of the president, the secretary and seven other members.


      1. A.    Set up                B. made up               C. set out                 D.  made out


      • Ø You were going to apply for the job, and then you decided not to. So what.............?


      1. A.    Put you off          B. put you out         C. turned you off             D. turned you away


      • Ø I had no idea that he was lying to me. I was completely..................... .


      1. A.    Taken in               B. taken down          C.  taken off                D.    taken over


      • Ø Barbara started a course at college, but she .......................after six months.


      1. A.    Went out             B.  fell out                 C. turned out               D.  dropped out


      • Ø You can’t predict everything. Often things don’ you expect.


      1. A.    make out             B.  break out               C. work out                D. get out


      • Ø Why are all these people here? What’s.................................?


      1. A.    Going off              B. getting off              C. going on                 D. getting on


      • Ø It’s a very busy airport. There planes.....................or landing every few minutes.


      1. A.    Going up               B.  taking off              C. getting up              D. driving off


      • Ø The traffic was moving slowly because a bus had......................and was blocking the road.


      1. A.    Broken down        B. fallen down           C. fallen over              D. broken up


      • Ø How are you your new job? Are you enjoying it?


      1. A.    Keeping on             B. going on                 C. carrying on           D. getting on






      Inspiring quotes:

      • Formal education will make you a living ; self-education  will make you a fortune.
      • Education is a  progressive  discovery of  our ignorance.
      • The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors  into windows.
      • Education   costs  money,    but then so does ignorance.
      • A child educated only at school is an uneducated child.
      • Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to learn.





      Develop your reading skills. Read the following text and do the comprehension questions

      Juvenile Crime

      Juvenile delinquency refers to antisocial or illegal behavior by children or adolescents and is considered a serious problem all over the world. It is caused by social, economic and cultural factors. This juvenile criminality is apparant in marginal sectors of urban areas where children are exposed to violence in their immediate social environment, either as observers or as victims. Because delinquents basic education, if they have any, is poor they have been marginalized from society and distituted of any dignity or self esteem. Although most legal systems prescribe specific procedures for dealing with young criminals, such as juvenile detention centers and suppression, appoaches to prevent deliquency should also include measures to instill equality and justice, fight poverty and create an atmosphere of hope and peace among youth. These preventive policies should be given priorities over any coercive measures.

      Socioeconomic opportunities and administrative services should be provided in rural areas to discourage young people from migrating to urban areas. Similarly, youth from poor urban settings should benefit from plans that focus on education, employmnent and access to leisure programmes , especially during long school holidays. Young people who drop out of school or come from broken families should have access to specific social programmes that help them become responsible adults.

      Information campaigns should be planned to sensitize youth to be aware of the detrimental effects of violence on the family, community and society, to teach them how to communicate without violence. Focus on the importance of family should become a priority because it is the primary institution of socialization of youth and continues to play an important role in the prevention of juvenile delinquency and underage crime.



      write true/ false

      • Juvenile crime is affected by economic factors                                    :.............
      • Migration might be another cause of juvenile criminality                      :...............
      • Family is not an important factor when dealing with juvenile criminality :...............
      • Suppression is not an option when dealing with juvenile criminality       :...............



      unit:7                                     citizenship


      • As citizens, you are the rulers and the ruled, the law givers and the law-abiding, the beginning and the end. (Adlai Stevensen)
      • Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote. (George Jean Nathan)
      • A passive and ignorant citizen will never create a sustainable world. ( Andrew Gaines)
      • Every citizen should be a soldier. (Thomas Jefferson)
      • No one is born a good citizen, no nation is born a democracy. Rather both are processes that evolve over a life time. ( kofi Annan)

      Write the sentences in the passive form :

      • Compare clothes which we have washed with clothes which any other laundry has washed.
      • He expected us to offer him the job.
      • Who wrote it?
      • A jellyfish stung her.
      • An easy silence succeeded the shot.
      • The prime minister was to have opened the ceremony.
      • Anyone with the smallest intelligence could understand these instructions.
      • They will grant rural women more micro-credits as a form of support.
      • Boys of sixteen to eighteen are to man this training ship.
      • Children couldn’t have done all this damage.
      • The closure of the workshops will make a lot of men redundant.
      • Did the idea interest you?
      • We could have given him another chance to demonstrate their abilities.
      • Many developing countries are exhausting their natural resources at a high rate.
      •  We have to ban all nuclear and biological weapons.
      • We should force rural girls to access schools and get appropriate education.
      • We believe that women are as skilful as men at managing big companies.
      • No one can do anything unless someone gives us more information.
      • I didn’t realize that somebody was listening to our telephone conversation.
      • People say that Mehdi is a gifted humourist.
      • The city council has not created any green space since it was elected.
      • We still deny women equal status in many parts of the world.
      • Rich countries are not doing anything to eradicate poverty in the world.
      • The police asked each one of us about his movements on the night of the crime.
      • The librarian said that they were starting a new system because people were not returning books.
      • Many people think that the United Nations Organization ought to be dismantled.
      • The launched an anti-smoking campaign to sensitize the public to the danger of tobacco.
      • People wrongly believe that women cannot combine marriage and employment.
      • People say that brain drain is a form of modern slavery.
      • A charity association has recently built a new school for girls in a remote rural area.
      • We need to integrate environmental sustainability into all our policy decisions.

      Some human rights activists are holding a fund- raising meeting 

      correction of quiz n°3 (1st term)



      Quiz   n°3 A

      Quiz   n°3 B



      1. 1.      Recycling.
      2. 2.      Renewable.
      3. 3.      Ecological.
      4. 4.      Urbain.
      5. 5.      Endangered.
      6. 6.      Micro.



      1. 1.      Will have filled.
      2. 2.      Will have been studying.
      3. 3.      Will have been living.
      4. 4.      Will have visited.
      5. 5.      Will have been teaching.
      6. 6.      Will have done.
      7. 7.      Will have registered.




      1. 1.      Global.
      2. 2.      Resources.
      3. 3.      Climate.
      4. 4.      Shortage.
      5. 5.      Civil.
      6. 6.      Species.



      1. 1.      Will have prepared.
      2. 2.      Will have registered.
      3. 3.      Will have been driving.
      4. 4.      Will have become.
      5. 5.      Will have been working.
      6. 6.      Will have been learning.
      7. 7.      Will have made.





      End term global test (2nd year bac).







      • …Because there  was very little   wind/smog from cars.
      • …to reduce the cost and pollution.
      • …by building houses in trees and living there for months.


      • False “ the government introduced new laws to stop smog from coal   factories…….”
      • False “ some people travel to work together in one car to reduce the   pollution and the cost..”


      • …because of the “out of town” shopping centers/ the new shopping   centers.
      • ….to reduce pollution.


      • More people.
      • Many people.
      • In trees.




      • Had already begun.
      • Will have been doing.
      • Will have left.


      • Raise awareness
      • Global warming
      • Gender discimination


      • Polygamy.
      • Empower
      • Globalization


      • Participation
      • Professional
      • Destruction


      • So as
      • Thanks to
      • Because of















      correction of the mid-term global test

      Comprehension :

      A/ true /false :

      1.                1. False, « he used school to try out his joke »/ « he was the class clown »/ «  he was voted most popular……..

      1. False, « Eddie enrolled……….mostly to please his mother »/ » he didn’t care much about school »….
      2. True, « he got his first…………was an instant hit »/ »both popular movies ended up among the top ten………1983 »……

      B/answering comprehension questions :

      1. …because his parents divorced, they struggled finincially and his mother was hospitalized for a long time…
      2. At the age 15 in a youth center talent show.
      3. He believed in clean living ; avoids alcohol, tobacco and drugs/narcotics…
      4. He was 32 years old.
      5. No , some were disappointing to  some of his fans…

      c/pick from the text expressions which show that :

      1. He was the class clown
      2. He didn’t care much about school/…his school work was suffering/instead of doing his homework…. On his classmates…
      3. Eddie’s talent and drive have served to help him weather the ups and down of his career.

      D/find in the text expressions meaning the same as :

      1.      Amateur                                      

      2.      Enrolled

      3.      Hit

      4.      Delighted

      Language :


           1. Had been living

           2. had repaired

           3. was / left


               1. Must

               2. can’t.

               3. ought to

      C/     1. To have

               2. Playing

               3. To get


      1. Literacy
      2. Humourist

      E/    1. Can you clarify this further/ can you explain this, please ?..........

      2.    the local authorities oped news schools in order to / so as to serve their communities.




      correction of quiz n°2 (A&B) 


      Quiz n°2  A

      Quiz n°2 B




      -           Must keep

      -           Should vote

      -           Must have been





      -           Must

      -           Shall

      -           Couldn’t




      -           Play tricks

      -           Witty

      -           Burst into laughter

      -           humourist









      -           should try

      -           must have spent

      -           can’t smoke





      -           should

      -           could

      -           needn’t




      -           kidding

      -           witty

      -           burst out laughing

      -           made fun of




      Modal verbs


      Circle the correct answer:


      • He’s lived here for fifteen years. He can’t / must / might know the area very well.
      • When I got to the hotel, I found that there was a hair-dryer in my room, so I couldn’t have taken / didn’t need to take / needn’t have taken my own.
      • Although the train was crowded, we might / were able to / could get seats.
      • You can’t / must / might have slept through all that noise! It was really loud!
      • She could / may / must have a lot of money. She buys very expensive clothes.
      • He can’t / couldn’t / may not come to the party. I don’t know if he’s free on Saturday.


      Complete the conversation. Use: might,  must,  mustn’t,  needn’t  or ought to.


      1. I want to go for a walk this afternoon. Do you want to come?
      2. Yes! I …………..have something to eat first, though. I’m really hungry.
      3. Jamie ………………….come too. He hasn’t decided yet.
      4. Ok. Are you going for along walk?
      5. I don’t know. We ……………..go very far if you don’t want to.
      6. Ok. I ……………..get back too late as I’ve got some work to do.
      7. That’s fine. I …………………to do some work too. But let’s go for a walk first!




      write the correct form of verbs: gerund/ infinitive


      Secret of success


      Martha Wilkins decided (become)…………………………a florist when she read an article about someone who supplied flowers to film stars.


      “ I remember(think)………………………..,”what an amazing job!” and when I started work at a florist’s, I found that I liked (work)………………………….with my hands. I really enjoyed it,” she explains. “the owner of the shop was very experienced and she taught me (arrange)………………………”. several years later, Wilkins set up her own shop, which is now very successful. “the key is to listen to the customers,” she says. “ I talk to every customer about what they want and then I try (give)………… it to them.”


      1. what do you remember (learn) your last English lesson?


      2. have you ever forgotten (buy).......................a birthday card for someone in your family?


      3. have you ever tried (save) if so, were you successful?


      4. is there anything you have done in your life that you really regret (do).......................?


      5. what do yoy need (do)......................this week - what's on your list?


      6. when you are on a long car journey, how regularly do you like to stop (have).................a break?


      7. which do you think would be more difficult to do - to stop (eat)........................chocolate or to stop (smoke)..................cigarettes? why?


      8. what would you do if you saw some friends fighting and asked them to stop, but they went on (fight)...............................?


      9. i came (see)


      10. this is really good for (remove ).............................stains from your clothes.


      11. we had to run fast (catch).......................the train.


      12. this tool is for (make).......................holes in wood.


      13. the beach was very close, so we went (swim).............................every day.


      14. i forgot (ask) about your birthday.


      15. i'd like (be)...............a chef.


      16. i don't enjoy (clean)............................the kitchen.


      17. i don't feel like (cook)............................tonight. i'd prefer (eat)..........................out.


      18. i try (arrive)........................on time, but i'm often late for things.


      19. could you turn down your radio? i'm trying (work).........................


      20. she saw a beautiful sun set, so she stopped (take)............................a picture of it.


      Read this holiday advertisement. Use the verbs in brackets, in the correct form, to complete the information.


      Have you decided where to go on holiday this year?


       We promise 0 (help)........... you decide. Do you enjoy 1 (cycle)...................... in the countryside and 2 (walk)   .............. in the mountains? If you fancy 3 (escape).  ................ from the crowds and 4 (do) .............something different, and you don’t mind 5 (share)............ your holiday with others, we offer 6 (show) the most fantastic places. If you can’t afford 7 (spend)................. a lot of money, don’t worry! We promise 8 (beat)............... any price offered by our competitors. We always aim 9 (give).............. our clients the best possible holiday experience. Contact us on 01632 960893 for more information about our fantastic range of holidays. And you just need 10 ...................(mention) this advertisement to get an extra discount .......


      Reported speech

      Report the following statements as suggested and make any necessary changes :


      • “We must have the courage to say that we have almost done nothing to help the poor countries”.

      The Heads of States admitted ……………………………………………………………………………………

      • We think it was your fault. You shouldn’t have allowed your daughter to go out at night”.

      They blamed him …………………………………………………………………………………

      • “I’ve done a lot of wrong in my life,” the woman said to herself.

      The woman regretted ……………………………………………………

      • “the anti-war campaign was a total failure”. One of the organizers said.

      One of the organizers confessed …………………………………………………

      • “You’d better cut down on fatty food!” the doctor told the patient.

      The patient was advised ……………………………………………………………………

      • " He’s honest, hard-working, and open-minded.” The villagers said.

      The villagers described ………………………………………………………………

      • “I managed to get through the customs without a visa and a passport.” He said.

      The illegal immigrant revealed ……………………………………………………………...

      • “El Guerrouj runs like a deer.” Journalists used to write.

      Journalists used to compare ……………………………………………………

      • “Would you like me to help you prepare your speech?” Linda said to Kim.

      Linda offered ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

      • “no, no. I didn’t rob that bank. It wasn’t me.” The accused man said to the judge.

      The accused man denied ……………………………………………………………………………………..

      • “Please, please, come and stay with us foe the weekend!” the girl said to her grandmother.

      The girl begged her grandmother………………………………………………………………

      • " How about building a charity centre for the homeless?” the city mayor said.

      The city mayor suggested…………………………………………………………………

      • “I’m having a birthday party tomorrow. I’d be glad if you could attend.” Halima said to Linda.

      Halima invited………………………………………………………………………………

      • “You’re here because you’ve been caught throwing garbage in the street,” said the police.

      The police officer accused the man……………………………………………………………

      • “ I can’t attend the opening ceremony. I’m so sorry.” The quest speaker said on the phone.

      The quest speaker apologized………………………………………………………………………………..

      • “Don’t be late for work or I’ll get angry,” the boss said to his secretary.

      The boss warned…………………………………………………………………………………………

      • “ No, I won’t let you in. it’s against the regulations.” The security guard said to the boy.

      The security guard refused…………………………………………………………………………….

      • “Take a long holiday. It’ll do you a lot of good.” The manager said to his assistant.

      The manager recommended……………………………………………………………………………

      • I want you all to work as a team.” The teacher kept repeating to the class.

      The teacher insisted……………………………………………………………………………

      • “I won’t tell your father about the damage you caused to my car. I promise.” He said to me.

      He promised………………………………………………………………







      Reading comprehesion :




      The famous British sense of humour has long been our most  cherished characteristic. We have valued it above historic military victories and great works of literature, above  rich scenic landscape and our talent for invention.




      Comedians, not general or sports stars or scientists or politicians, are the truly loved public figures of Britain. We sneer at other countries, especially Germany, which we believe lack our gift of humour.




      «  He’s a good laugh, » is the warmest personal accolade any individual can receive from friends. Our ability to make jokes of anything is supposed to have seen us through wars and plights, saved us from revolution and political extremism.  

      But, sadly, there are signs that the great British sense  of humour is no longer what it once was. The eagerness for laughs seems to be receding, increasingly replaced by political correctness and grievance.

      According to a survey recently conducted by the tourist authority VisitBritain, foreigners coming here now feel that we are « arrogant , unfrienly and have almost no sense of humour.

      In this pool conducted among 35 nationalities, some tourists rated us the least funny people in the world.

      Accusing the British of having no sense of humour is like telling Rolls Royce that its cars are down market. Humour is meant to be our life blood. 

      But I have to say that I agree with the foreign respondents for years, I have detected that something has gone badly wrong in Britain’s humour.

      I see it in the tragic decline in Britain TV comedy. Once the finest in the world, it has become an embarrassment destroyed by political correctness and reduced to depending on shock values. I also see it in the hectic, humourless and often aggressive manner in which we now lead our lives, especially in the cities. There seems to be a growing reluctance to exchange a joke or a smile.

      The contrast with France, where I have spent some time in recent months, could hardly be more glaring.there, the local newsagent, baker and grocer seem only too keen to make a quip and have a laugh, despite the poor quality of my French.

      The real thorn in all this is the influence of political correctness. The ruthlessly enforced official dogma of multi-culturalism, with its emphasis on social divisions, means that we no longer have a sense of shared values in Britain. And without that collective norm, we cannot all laugh at the same things.

      Just as imprtantly, growing ignorance among the public, especially young people due to the dumbing-down of education, has lessened the scope for humour.

      World play, double entendres and puns used to be a feature of British comedy, but they can work only when the participants have a decent grasp of our language and culture.

      Sir Peter Ustinov said laughter was « the most civilized music in the world ». today we are in real danger of losing that music – one of the most prcious assets of British civilization. 




      1. Which of the following would be the best title for this artcle ?


      • The death of British humour.
      • British humour has long been cherished by the British.
      • British  humour is known all over the world
      • Laughter : the most civilized music in the world.


      1. Are these sentences true or false ? justify.


      • According to the write, the British like humour actors and actresses much more than sports stars.
      • An oppinion poll indicates that the British have become humorless.
      • The writer considers humour one of the strengths of British civilization.
          • Answer these questions


      • Which humour  does the writer compare the British humour with ?
      • …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
      • What are the causes of the decline of the British humour, according to the writer ?
      • …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
      • Why is the writer negative about multi-culturalism ?
      • …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


      1. Complete these sentences : 
      • The writer thinks that the British people’s ability to ………………………………………………………………..
      • He is saddened at ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


      1. What do the underlined words in the article refer to :
      • We :…………………………………..
      • It :…………………………………
      • Here :………………………………………





      Sale-Rabat tramway on time for January departure.


      "Morocco's first-ever tramway will be up and running by January 2011", said Essakel Mghari, of the Bouregreg Valley development agency, during a March 30th press conference. The agency oversees the construction of the 3.8 billion dirham project, which took three years to build. The first tram from France arrived in Morocco March 13th. Test runs will begin in the neighbourhood of Karima in Salè to ensure trains are compatible with the mobile machinery and land lines. Tests will also be conducted on the starting, braking and speed systems. "The phase that started today is a testing phase that will keep going until the end of this year," said Mghari. "During this time, we will examine the infrastructure, as well as the train…in order to ensure the safety of the equipment."


      Each tram is equipped with 118 seats and can carry up to 580 passengers per trip. They will carry an estimated 180,000 passengers between Rabat and Sale each day. The remainder of the trams will be shipped by the end of 2010. Moroccans are eager to ride the new transport link when it opens.


      "The project will reduce the time needed to move between the two cities in complete comfort," Karim, a student, told Magharebia. "Moreover, it is eco-friendly since it runs on electricity." Aliae Bidoui, 20, is a Sale student who attends Souissi University in Rabat. She said the tram will bring a welcome change to her arduous commute. "I lose no end of time on my journey. It takes me an average of three hours a day for the round trip, and that's without including the wait for the four buses I have to catch. I think the tram, which will just reach the university neighbourhood, will resolve the problem. And I'll be able to keep on with my studies," she told Magharebia.


      Ticket prices on the new tram concern some potential riders, however. Tickets will cost between 6.50 and 7 dirhams each, Rabat-Sale Tramway Company director Loubna Boutaleb said. The price is currently less than the 8 dirhams currently needed to journey from Sale to Rabat, she said. The fare has been designed to meet two major constraints – affordability for users and the financial needs of the tramway required to function, Boutaleb said at a March 30th press conference.


      "It's good that we'll have the train. But it still needs to be within the reach of the majority of the population," said Ahmed Garouji, a Sale commuter who works in Rabat. Other potential riders are


      Concerned about how drivers will adapt to the new railway system."Some reckless drivers using the same route as the tram will definitely cause problems," Karima resident Ahmed told Magharebia. "There should be a solution to this." Boutaleb promised future riders that an awareness campaign will be launched to encourage drivers to "adapt to the new situation".
      I-Comprehension: ( 15 points)


      Answer the following questions:


      1. How much did the tramway cost?
      2. What is the aim of the testing phase according to Mr. Mghari?
      3. What are the two benefits of the project according to Karim?


      Are these sentences TRUE or FALSE ? Justify

      1.Moroccans are longing to ride the Tramway

      2.Alia bidoui makes a comfortable commute to Souissi University in Rabat.


      Complete the following sentences from the text.


      1. The tests in the neighbourhood of Karima are intended to.........
      2. The number of the commuters will reach ......per day.
      3. Certainly, careless drivers ...


      Pick out from the text expressions which show that :


      1.The tramway won’t harm the environment.

      2.The ticket is cheaper than the price needed to go from Sale to Rabat.


      What do the underlined words in the text refer to?


          1.It :...................

          2. The two cities : ...........

           3.She : ...................


      Find in the text words or expressions that mean the same as:


      1.The security ( paragraph 2)=....................

      2.The cost ( paragraph 5) =.................




      Report the following statements as suggested and make any necessary changes :

      • “We must have the courage to say that we have almost done nothing to help the poor countries”.


      The Heads of States admitted ……………………………………………………………………………………

      • We think it was your fault. You shouldn’t have allowed your daughter to go out at night”.


      They blamed him …………………………………………………………………………………

      • “I’ve done a lot of wrong in my life,” the woman said to herself.


      The woman regretted ……………………………………………………

      • “the anti-war campaign was a total failure”. One of the organizers said.


      One of the organizers confessed …………………………………………………

      • “You’d better cut down on fatty food!” the doctor told the patient.


      The patient was advised ……………………………………………………………………

      • " He’s honest, hard-working, and open-minded.” The villagers said.


      The villagers described ………………………………………………………………

      • “I managed to get through the customs without a visa and a passport.” He said.


      The illegal immigrant revealed ……………………………………………………………...

      • “El Guerrouj runs like a deer.” Journalists used to write.


      Journalists used to compare ……………………………………………………

      • “Would you like me to help you prepare your speech?” Linda said to Kim.


      Linda offered ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

      • “no, no. I didn’t rob that bank. It wasn’t me.” The accused man said to the judge.


      The accused man denied ……………………………………………………………………………………..

      • “Please, please, come and stay with us foe the weekend!” the girl said to her grandmother.


      The girl begged her grandmother………………………………………………………………

      • " How about building a charity centre for the homeless?” the city mayor said.


      The city mayor suggested…………………………………………………………………

      • “I’m having a birthday party tomorrow. I’d be glad if you could attend.” Halima said to Linda.


      Halima invited………………………………………………………………………………

      • “You’re here because you’ve been caught throwing garbage in the street,” said the police.


      The police officer accused the man……………………………………………………………

      • “ I can’t attend the opening ceremony. I’m so sorry.” The quest speaker said on the phone.


      The quest speaker apologized………………………………………………………………………………..

      • “Don’t be late for work or I’ll get angry,” the boss said to his secretary.


      The boss warned…………………………………………………………………………………………

      • “ No, I won’t let you in. it’s against the regulations.” The security guard said to the boy.


      The security guard refused…………………………………………………………………………….

      • “Take a long holiday. It’ll do you a lot of good.” The manager said to his assistant.


      The manager recommended……………………………………………………………………………

      • I want you all to work as a team.” The teacher kept repeating to the class.


      The teacher insisted……………………………………………………………………………

      • “I won’t tell your father about the damage you caused to my car. I promise.” He said to me.


      He promised………………………………………………………………



      Read the following text:


      “ I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society I which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.” Nelson Mandela

       Nelson Mandela is one of the world’s greatest heroes for his struggle to free the people of South Africa. He spent his whole life racial equality. He formed a political party called Umkhoto we Sizwe in 1961 after all forms of peaceful protests failed. He travelled abroad for his cause even though he knew of the danger he was posing to himself when he returned to South Africa. Not long after, he was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment. He was released in 1990 after being in jail for 28 years. Three years later, in 1993, he was awarded the Noble Peace Price for his efforts to abolish racial discrimination in South Africa. He is an inspiration to all the deprived and oppressed people in the world and has never tolerated any form of racism.

       In the beginning, the aim of “apartheid” was to keep the white people in South Africa in total control of the country as well as dividing the races. In the 1960’s, the Grand Apartheid plan was created to emphasize the separation of territories and police repression.

      The apartheid laws were created in 1948. White people weren’t allowed to marry non-white people and there was a sanction of “white-only jobs”. By 1950, all South Africans were categorized into three categories: white, black or coloured. People who belonged to the coloured category were neither black nor white, may be from an Asian or Indian background.     

       It was obligatory for a black person to carry a passbook containing their fingerprints, photo and information whenever they wanted to enter South Africa , their own country!

      March 21, 1960 marked a tragic day in the history of south Africa. A big group of blacks in the  township of Sharpeville were protesting peacefully by refusing to carry their passes and as  many as 69 people were shot by the police and 187 people were wounded. This incident was known by many people as the Sharpeville Massacre. Despite this tragedy, the white regime had no intention of changing the unjust laws of Apartheid. Later on, the United Nations General Assembly declared March 21 as the International day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Due to the problems of “apartheid” South Africa was expelled from the United Nations in 1974.

       Now the United Nations calls on all international communities to work together to fight against racial discrimination as well as commemorate this tragedy in hopes of a better future for the world.

      I-  Comprehension    ( …………../15)

      A-     Choose the best title for the text. (1)

      a)      Nelson Mandela              b) apartheid in Africa        c) Racial discrimination in South Africa

      B-     Answer the following questions in your own words:    (3)

      1)      What is Mandela’s ideal?

      2)      Why did he travel abroad?

      3)      Why was it obligatory for a black person to carry a passbook?

      C-     Find in the text words which mean the same as: (2)

      1)      Loved                  (par 1)

      2)      Freed from prison   (par 2)

      3)      Officially end a law (par 3)

      4)      Official order         ( par 4)

      D-     What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (2)

      1)      Which (par 1)

      2)      Which (par 1)

      3)      His (par 2)

      4)      Their (par 5)

      E-      Complete the sentences with reference to the text. (3)

      1)      Although Mandela was imprisoned, he……………………………………….

      2)      “apartheid” aimed at …………………………………………………………………

      F-      Are these statements true or false? Justify. (4)

      1)      Mandela didn’t like either white or black people.

      2)      Mandela formed a political party because he failed in his political life.

      3)      Mandela returned to South Africa despite the risk of being jailed.

      4)      b lack people had to carry a passbook because they came from a foreign country.

      II- Language   (…………………../15)

      A-     Put the verbs in brackets in their correct form. (3)

      After Nelson Mandela ……………………………..(release) from prison, he ……………….(award) the Noble Peace Prize. He ……………………..(become) the first black president in the history of South Africa in the 1990’s.

      B-     Match the words with their appropriate collocations.



      1-      human

      a-      areas

      2-      global

      b-      risks

      3-      civic

      c-      warming

      4-      take

      d-      rights

      5-      civil

      e-      education

      6-      urban

      f-       society  



      C-     fill in the blanks with an appropriate phrasal verb from the list. (3)

       Put up with / take off / turn down / look forward to / find out / bring about .


      1)      I can’t …………………………….. the fumes coming from that factory.

      2)      Julia is coming to Morocco. I ……………………………..meeting her.

      3)      Wars ………………………..hatred among people.

      D-     Rewrite these sentences as indicated. (4)

      1)      Somebody must write a letter of complaint.

               A letter of complaint ……………………………………….

      2)      “Don’t tell him about this today”.

                The mother ordered her son……………………………………………

      3)      The policeman fined the driver for not stopping at the red light.

               The driver………………………………………………………….

      4)      Who did it?

               Who ……………………………………..

      E-      Put the words between brackets in the correct form: (2)

      1)      We should respect other people’s ( believe)……………………….

      2)      Rich countries must help (develop) …………………………………countries.

      3)      The next (continent)…………………….conference on brain drain will take place in Guatemala.

      4)      He is very (enthusiasm)…………………….about studying abroad.

      III-                Writing    (………./10)

      Write about the life of an immigrant you know and say whether he/she likes life in the host country or not.      




      Sale-Rabat tramway on time for January departure.


      Morocco's first-ever tramway will be up and running by January 2011, said Essakel Mghari, of the Bouregreg Valley development agency, during a March 30th press conference. The agency oversees the construction of the 3.8 billion dirham project, which took three years to build. The first tram from France arrived in Morocco March 13th. Test runs will begin in the neighbourhood of Karima in Salè to ensure trains are compatible with the mobile machinery and land lines. Tests will also be conducted on the starting, braking and speed systems. "The phase that started today is a testing phase that will keep going until the end of this year," said Mghari. "During this time, we will examine the infrastructure, as well as the train…in order to ensure the safety of the equipment."


      Each tram is equipped with 118 seats and can carry up to 580 passengers per trip. They will carry an estimated 180,000 passengers between Rabat and Sale each day. The remainder of the trams will be shipped by the end of 2010. Moroccans are eager to ride the new transport link when it opens.


      "The project will reduce the time needed to move between the two cities in complete comfort," Karim, a student, told Magharebia. "Moreover, it is eco-friendly since it runs on electricity." Aliae Bidoui, 20, is a Sale student who attends Souissi University in Rabat. She said the tram will bring a welcome change to her arduous commute. "I lose no end of time on my journey. It takes me an average of three hours a day for the round trip, and that's without including the wait for the four buses I have to catch. I think the tram, which will just reach the university neighbourhood, will resolve the problem. And I'll be able to keep on with my studies," she told Magharebia.


      Ticket prices on the new tram concern some potential riders, however. Tickets will cost between 6.50 and 7 dirhams each, Rabat-Sale Tramway Company director Loubna Boutaleb said. The price is currently less than the 8 dirhams currently needed to journey from Sale to Rabat, she said. The fare has been designed to meet two major constraints – affordability for users and the financial needs of the tramway required to function, Boutaleb said at a March 30th press conference.


      "It's good that we'll have the train. But it still needs to be within the reach of the majority of the population," said Ahmed Garouji, a Sale commuter who works in Rabat. Other potential riders are


      Concerned about how drivers will adapt to the new railway system."Some reckless drivers using the same route as the tram will definitely cause problems," Karima resident Ahmed told Magharebia. "There should be a solution to this." Boutaleb promised future riders that an awareness campaign will be launched to encourage drivers to "adapt to the new situation".

      I-Comprehension: ( 15 points)


      Answer the following questions:


      1. How much did the tramway cost?
      2. What is the aim of the testing phase according to Mr. Mghari?
      3. What are the two benefits of the project according to Karim?


      Are these sentences TRUE or FALSE ? Justify

      1.Moroccans are longing to ride the Tramway

      2.Alia bidoui makes a comfortable commute to Souissi University in Rabat.


      Complete the following sentences from the text.


      1. The tests in the neighbourhood of Karima are intended to.........
      2. The number of the commuters will reach ......per day.
      3. Certainly, careless drivers ...


      Pick out from the text expressions which show that :


      1.The tramway won’t harm the environment.

      2.The ticket is cheaper than the price needed to go from Sale to Rabat.


      What do the underlined words in the text refer to?


          1.It :...................

          2. The two cities : ...........

           3.She : ...................


      Find in the text words or expressions that mean the same as:


      1.The security ( paragraph 2)=....................

      2.The cost ( paragraph 5) =.................


       future perfect

      • I (finish)………… …… my project by the end of this month.
      • We (not make)……………. Any food by the time they (arrived)...............
      • We( move)……………………….. To Scotland by the beginning of May.
      • You(start)…………………….. by the time (I see) …….. You again?
      • Don’t call late tonight. I (go)……………………. To bed by ten.
      • Global temperature (rise)……………. By at least 16° by the end of this century.
      • Experts predict that half of today’s languages (disappear)………. By 2100.
      • We (visit)……………. Fifteen countries by the end of the tour.
      • By midnight tonight, I (go)……………. To bed.
      • By four o’clock, she (type)…………… six letters.
      • When we reach Washington, we (drive)…………….. over 200 miles.
      • They say that the treatment of cancer (improve)………........ enormously by 2025.


      Reading comprehesion :


      The famous British sense of humour has long been our most  cherished characteristic. We have valued it above historic military victories and great works of literature, above  rich scenic landscape and our talent for invention.


      Comedians, not general or sports stars or scientists or politicians, are the truly loved public figures of Britain. We sneer at other countries, especially Germany, which we believe lack our gift of humour.


      «  He’s a good laugh, » is the warmest personal accolade any individual can receive from friends. Our ability to make jokes of anything is supposed to have seen us through wars and plights, saved us from revolution and political extremism.


      But, sadly, there are signs that the great British sense  of humour is no longer what it once was. The eagerness for laughs seems to be receding, increasingly replaced by political correctness and grievance.


      According to a survey recently conducted by the tourist authority VisitBritain, foreigners coming here now feel that we are « arrogant , unfrienly and have almost no sense of humour ».


      In this pool conducted among 35 nationalities, some tourists rated us the least funny people in the world.


      Accusing the British of having no sense of humour is like telling Rolls Royce that its cars are down market. Humour is meant to be our life blood.


      But I have to say that I agree with the foreign respondents for years, I have detected that something has gone badly wrong in Britain’s humour.




      I see it in the tragic decline in Britain TV comedy. Once the finest in the world, it has become an embarrassment destroyed by political correctness and reduced to depending on shock values.


      I also see it in the hectic, humourless and often aggressive manner in which we now lead our lives, especially in the cities. There seems to be a growing reluctance to exchange a joke or a smile.


      The contrast with France, where I have spent some time in recent months, could hardly be more glaring.there, the local newsagent, baker and grocer seem only too keen to make a quip and have a laugh, despite the poor quality of my French.


      The real thorn in all this is the influence of political correctness. The ruthlessly enforced official dogma of multi-culturalism, with its emphasis on social divisions, means that we no longer have a sense of shared values in Britain. And without that collective norm, we cannot all laugh at the same things.


      Just as imprtantly, growing ignorance among the public, especially young people due to the dumbing-down of education has lessened the scope for humour.


      World play, double entendres and puns used to be a feature of British comedy, but they can work only when the participants have a decent grasp of our language and culture.


      Sir Peter Ustinov said laughter was « the most civilized music in the world ». today we are in real danger of losing that music – one of the most prcious assets of British civilization.





      1. Which of the following would be the best title for this artcle ?


      • The death of British humour.
      • British humour has long been cherished by the British.
      • British  humour is known all over the world
      • Laughter : the most civilized music in the world.


      1. Are these sentences true or false ? justify.


      • According to the write, the British like humour actors and actresses much more than sports stars.
      • An oppinion poll indicates that the British have become humorless.
      • The writer considers humour one of the strengths of British civilization.


          • Answer these questions



      • Which humour  does the writer compare the British humour with ?
      • …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
      • What are the causes of the decline of the British humour, according to the writer ?
      • …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
      • Why is the writer negative about multi-culturalism ?
      • …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


      1. Complete these sentences :


      • The writer thinks that the British people’s ability to ………………………………………………………………..
      • He is saddened at ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


      1. What do the underlined words in the article refer to :


      • We :…………………………………..
      • It :…………………………………
      • Here :………………………………………







      Develop your reading skills. Read the following text and do the comprehension question

      Juvenile Crime

      Juvenile delinquency refers to antisocial or illegal behavior by children or adolescents and is considered a serious problem all over the world. It is caused by social, economic and cultural factors. This juvenile criminality is apparant in marginal sectors of urban areas where children are exposed to violence in their immediate social environment, either as observers or as victims. Because delinquents basic education, if they have any, is poor they have been marginalized from society and distituted of any dignity or self esteem. Although most legal systems prescribe specific procedures for dealing with young criminals, such as juvenile detention centers and suppression, appoaches to prevent deliquency should also include measures to instill equality and justice, fight poverty and create an atmosphere of hope and peace among youth. These preventive policies should be given priorities over any coercive measures.

      Socioeconomic opportunities and administrative services should be provided in rural areas to discourage young people from migrating to urban areas. Similarly, youth from poor urban settings should benefit from plans that focus on education, employmnent and access to leisure programmes , especially during long school holidays. Young people who drop out of school or come from broken families should have access to specific social programmes that help them become responsible adults.

      Information campaigns should be planned to sensitize youth to be aware of the detrimental effects of violence on the family, community and society, to teach them how to communicate without violence. Focus on the importance of family should become a priority because it is the primary institution of socialization of youth and continues to play an important role in the prevention of juvenile delinquency and underage crime.



      write true/ false

      • Juvenile crime is affected by economic factors                                    :.............
      • Migration might be another cause of juvenile criminality                      :...............
      • Family is not an important factor when dealing with juvenile criminality :...............
      • Suppression is not an option when dealing with juvenile criminality       :...............








      Simple present :      

      Complete the sentences with : am / is / are / do /does.

      1. I …………………an accountant.
      2. …………………he like his job?
      3. Where ………………..they live?
      4. …………… New York exciting?
      5. Why ………………….want to learn English?
      6. We …………………. Moroccan.
      7. What ……………….he do at weekends

      Put the sentences into the negative:

      1. I like swimming.

              I don’t like swimming

      1. Sue eats junk food


      1. You speak French.


      1. Mr and Mrs Green have a son.


      1. We watch these series everyday.


      Put the verbs in brackets in the simple present.

      Ann Taylor ……………………..(live) in Paris. She is very good at music. She  ……………(play) the guitar in a band. She also …………..(like) sport. “I …………(go) swimming and I ………………….(play) tennis and basketball. My sister, Karen, ………………….(watch) football on television but she ……………………….(not play) it. She also ………………(read)a lot but I ……………………..(listen ) to music and I ……………………..(collect) stickers”.

      Put  the verbs in brackets in the present simple:

      Philipa Robbins (be).................a scientist. She (live) a flat in Oxford, and she (study).......................malaria at the university. Every day she (get up) ...................... at 6.30 and ( have) ................. three cups of coffee. She (not eat) ........................ anything for breakfast.She (start) ................... work in her laboratory at 7.00, and she (work) ......................... until lunchtime. Then she (go) ............. ....for a short walk in the park. She usually (finish) .................. work at 6.00, but sometimes she (not finish) .............. until 10.00. In the evening she often (eat) ..........................   in a restaurant , because she ( not like) .......................  cooking. Every winter she and  her husband (fly) Kenya, where they (visit) .......................... an African malaria laboratory. They ( stay )...................  in a friend's house for two weeks.They never ( want ) ................... to go back to Oxford, because they ( love ) ................................ hot weather !

       Put the following sentences in the negative:

      • The story is very long                   : ................................................................................
      • We do our homework                    : ..................................................................................
      • My aunt wears a black dress          : ...................................................................................
      • he usually has an egg for breakfast : ...................................................................................
      • Sophie danses in the street            : ...................................................................................
      • They send presents to their friends  : ...................................................................................


      Unscramble and write:

      • listen / music / sometimes / in / the / I / to / evening
      • ..........................................................................
      • always / happy / is / Sarah
      • ..........................................................................
      • Thursday / never / football / we / play / on
      • .........................................................................
      • their / often / visit / they / grandmother
      • ........................................................................
      • dinner / my / homework / usually / I / do / after
      • ........................................................................



      The present continuous:(to be +verb +ing)

      Write the verbs in the present continuous:

      Dear Katie,

      I am sitting (sit) on the train and I (1) (write)…………………………………………. This postcard to you. I’m with Mum and Jack. We(2)(go)……………………………………to Edinburgh in Scotland. Jack (3)(play)……………………………………..with Mum’s mobile phone but it (4)(not work)…………………………………Mum (5)(look)…………………………………… a crossword but she (6)(not do)…………………………………………it. I think she (7)(get)………………………………………………….angry with Jack about  the phone.(8)(you/have)…………………………………………..a good time in London?

      (9)(you/take)………………………………………lots of photos? Ok. The train (10)(stop)………………………………….now.

      I think we’re in Edinburgh.

      Bye, Tanya

      the present perfect


      • We (sell)………………….our car at last.
      • What (happen)……………… Peter.
      • I (save)…………………..enough money for a new bike.
      • I’m very proud: I(learnt) …………………to ski.
      • He’s going to be sick: he (eat)……………..five packets of crisps.
      • The climbers (not reach)…………………the top yet.

      James is talking about his life. Put the correct past participles in the gaps.

      • I’ve seen (see) a lot of beautiful places in my life, and I’ve (1) …………..(do) a lot of interesting things. I’ve (2) ……………(travel) in North and South America, for example. I’ve (3).…….(visit) all the big American cities. I’ve (4) ……..(drive) across Mexico. I haven’t (5) …………..(be) to Argentina, but I’ve (6)………….(work) in Peru and Bolivia. I’ve (7) ………(swim) in the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea. I’ve (8) ……. (eat)in the best restaurants in Paris, ………….and I’ve (9) ………….(sing) Italian songs in Rome. I haven't(10) ………….( make) much money in my life, but I’ve(11) ……….(meet) a lot of interesting people and I’ve(12) ……….(take) a lot of wonderful photographs .

      Write the preset perfect with : just/already/ yet.

      Example: -I have just finished my home work.

                         - you haven’t finished reading the

                           Report yet.

                         -The teacher has already corrected

                           our papers.

      • We (study/already) ……………………….. chapter five. But we (not finish/yet) ……………………….. chapter six…….
      • Sorry, I can’t lend you the book. I (just/buy)……………………it. I (not start/yet) reading it ……….
      • I am not thirsty because I (just/drink) ……………………………..
      • I (take/already)…………………………the books back to the library.

      Put since or for into the gaps. 

      • ……………………1968.
      • ……………………..twenty years.
      • ……………………..Monday.
      • ……………………….three days.
      • …………………….two months.
      • …………………..August.
      • …………………..three hours.
      • …………………ten o’clock.
      • …………………a long time.
      • ………………….yesterday.
      • ……………… birthday.

      Write the verbs in the present perfect or the past simple.

      -when I was a child, I (never eat)…………………… cheese.

      -…………….you ever……………… (live) alone?

      -Shakespeare ………………. (never go) to university.

      -Thousands of women………………….. (work) in factories during the Second World War.

      -Jaime lives in Venezuela; he …………………….. (never see) snow.

      -I ………………….(come) to England in 1980.

      -……………Napoleon ……………..(ever go)to China?

      -what ……………..your father ………………(give) you for your last birthday?

      -when your mother was at school ,………………… she ……………..(have) to wear a uniform?

      -…………you ever …………….(have) a passport when you were a child?

      -my brother …………………(have) a fight with his neighbour last week.


      present perfect /present perfect continuous

      Choose the correct form of the verb.

      1.     I’m hot because I’ve run/ I’ve been running!

      2.     I’ve cut/ I’ve been cutting my finger!

      3.     Have you heard / have you been hearing Coldplay’s latest album?

      4.     She’s tired because she’s shopped / she’s been shopping all day.

      5.     Sorry. I’ve broken / I’ve been breaking your chair.

      6.     How long have you had / have you been having this book?

      7.     They’ve live / they’ve been living here for three years.

      8.     I’ve painted / I’ve been painting the living room, but I haven’t finished yet.

      9.     I’ve lost / I’ve been losing my wallet. Where did I last have it?

      10.  Look what Pat has given / has been giving me for my birthday! A bike!

      11.  There’s my wallet! I’ve looked / I’ve been looking for it for ages.

      Present perfect simple / present perfect continuous.

      1.     The scouts (collect) …………………………………………. Money for charity.

      2.     We (camp) ………………………………………………… the forest.

      3.     How long ………………………….you…………………….. (work) with the scouts?

      4.     What ………………………….you …………………………. (do) at scouts recently?

      5.     …………………………….Jane …………………………….. (learn) how to cook on a camp fire?

      6.     I (think) ……………………………………..of joining my local scout group. It sounds fun.

      7.     I (study) ………………………………………………. French. I (learn) ………………………………quite   a lot.

      8.     You (read) ……………………………………… a lot recently. How many books ............ you............ finished?

      9.     We (not leave) ……………………………………..the house. It (rain)………………………………..all morning.

      10.   My friends (not arrive) ……………………………………yet. I (wait)……………………….for ages.

      11.   Ann (study)……………………………a lot recently. She (not take)……………………………...her exams yet.

      12.    The scouts (collect)……………………… for charity. They (raise)…………….500£.


      The simple past

      Complete the sentences with : was / were.

      • All my friends the party on Saturday.
      • John and his brother ten minutes ago.
      • The exhibition ..............interesting.
      • My cousin Paris last month.
      • she ............very busy this morning.
      • where born?
      • Meknes yesterday.
      • It ..............very hot last week.
      • you ............late to the meeting.
      • the film ..............great.
      • Soumaya and I the theater last night.
      • the food ..............digusting.
      • the buses ..............crowded.
      • My feet ............dirthy.
      • the street...................deserted.
      • The hildren ................very noisy.
      • the tourist guide.............very friendly.
      • the museum tickets..............expensive.

      Put the sentences in the negative.

      • she was born in 1953.                           : .......................................................
      • Nora and Kate were at the sports center :.....................................................
      • Sandra was in the museum                  :.......................................................
      • the children were very happy              :.......................................................
      • It was sunny and hot                            :.......................................................
      • They were here ten days ago              :...................................................

      Read the text and complete with:was-wasn't-were-weren't.

           One hundred years ago Casablanca..........a quiet little town.There ..............any cars in the streets.There............only carriages. The air .................cleaner and people...............happier.There .................many shops in the main street,just a bakery,a greengroce's and a café.There .............any computers or mobile phones then.There...............only three telephones in the whole town!

      Everything ................different one hunded years ago!


      write the correct past form of these regular verbs:

      Peter:(1) ....................(enjoy)the picnic to the mountain last Sunday?

      Samir:Yes,we (2)(like) very much,but when we(3) (want) come back,an accident...

      Peter:Oh!what (4)(happen)......................?

      Samir:Well,a fire(5) (distroy)......................a few trees.

      Peter: How(6) (it, happen).................................?

      Samir:A family (7)(cook)....................their lunch on a campfire, but when they (8) (finish) ................    eating, they(9) (not;extinguish)..............................the fire properly. The weather suddenly (10)(change) ............. and a strong wind(11)(start) blow and (12)(cause).....................a fire to spread to some trees nearby.

      Peter:What(13) (you;do)..........................................?

      Samir:We (14) (use).........................some water,but in vain.Fortunately,some drivers (15) (stop) ............ their vehicles and with their help, we (15) (manage) put it out.

      Put the irregular verbs between brackets in the simple past:

      • I (buy) .............. a leather jacket last Sunday.
      • My uncle (take) ............. me to the zoo and we (see) .......... a lot of wild animals.
      • We (get up) ...................early this morning and we (go) ..........out and (have) ...........breakfast in a café.
      • I(write) e-mail to my friend last Friday.
      • last Sathurday,I(sleep) .......... at my grandparents' house.
      • Carol was born in London,but she (grow up) ............. in Madrid.
      • I (meet) ......... my friend in the park and we (go) ............ jogging, then I (come)...............back home and I (feel) ...............very tired. I (eat)................ my dinner and (do) ................. my homework before I (fall) .............asleep.

      Make the sentences negative.

      • I went to the cinema yesterday.
      • ....................................................
      • the children broke the window.
      • ....................................................
      • I bought a new dress last Saturday.
      • ....................................................
      • We had an English class this morning.
      • ......................................................
      • My parents travelled abroad last Summer.
      • .......................................................
      • I did my homework last night.
      • .......................................................

      Correct the grammar mistakes the grammar mistakes in theses negative sentences:

      • I didn't went to school yesterday.
      • .....................................................
      • We wasn't at home last night.
      • .....................................................
      • My parents didn't saw the film.
      • ......................................................
      • I didn't took the bus to school.
      • .....................................................
      • My sister weren't at the zoo last Sunday.
      • ...........................................................

      Reorder these time expressions. start with the nearest to the present.

      • a few minutes ago.
      • last century.
      • last month.
      • last week
      • in 1999.
      • six years ago.
      • the day before yesterday.
      • this morning.
      • three years ago.
      • yesterday afternoon.
      •  yesterday morning.



      Escape from the jungle (a true story)

      Read the text and write the simple past form of the verbs in brackets

           On Christmas Eve 1971 Juliana Koepke, a seventeen-year-old German girl, (leave) ………………..Lima by air with her mother. They (be) ……………………..on their way to Pucallpa, another town in Peru, to spend Christmas with Juliana’s father. Forty- five minutes later the plane (break) ………………………up in a storm, and Juliana (fall)………………………….3,000 meters, strapped in her seat. She was not killed when the seat (hit) …………….the ground (perhaps because trees broke her fall), but she (lie) ……………….all night unconscious.

             The next morning Juliana (look) ……………….for pieces of the plane, and (call) …………………….for her mother. Nobody answered, and she (find) ………………………….nothing except a small plastic bag of sweets.

            Julian’s collar bone was broken, one knee was badly hurt and she had deep cuts on her arms and legs. She had no shoes; her glasses were broken (so she (can not) ………………… not see snakes or spiders, for example); and she was wearing only a very short dress, which was torn. But she decided to try to get out of the jungle, because she (know)………………………..that if she stayed there she would die.

           So Juliana (start) …………………….to walk. She did not (find) ………………………anything to eat, and as the days went by she got weaker and weaker. She was also in bad trouble from insect bites. She (hear) ………………….. helicopters, but could not see them above the trees, and of course they could not see her. One day she (see) …………………….three seats and (find) …………………that they had dead bodies in them, but she did not recognize the people.

           After four days she (come) ……………… a river. She saw caimans and piranhas, but she (know) ………………….that they do not usually attack people. So Juliana walked and (swim) ………………………….down the river for another five days. At last she ( come) ……………… a hut. Nobody was there, but the next afternoon , four men arrived. They (take) …………………..her to a doctor in the next village.

           Juliana (learn) ……………………….afterwards that there were at least three other people who were not killed in the crash. But she was the only one who (get) ……………………..out of the jungle. It(take)....................... her ten days.

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